Friday, June 3, 2011

Coalition on new agreement between government and troika

The Left Coalition party, in an announcement on Friday, strongly criticised the government's new agreement with the EC/ECB/IMF troika. 
"The new agreement between the Greek governmment and the troika binds the country to a new even more barbaric memorandum for the people, that is tantamount to new dismissals and salary decreases, the shrinking of the public sector, cutbacks in social expenditures and privatisations," the announcement said. 
The Coalition stresses that there can be "no continuation of the policy of the Pasok government which is mortgaging the future of the next generations and ruining working people," adding that a total break "is necessary with the policy that is being applied in Greece and the EU, and common struggles by working people and youth who refuse the turning of society into a jungle." 

On its part, the Democratic Left party assessed in an announcement that with the agreement between the government and the troika, Greek society "will come to its knees and the poorer classes in particular". 
The announcement stresses that the "failure to implement and the lag in the pursued targets of the previous updates of the memorandum, as well as the relevant references to measures that the government has announced it will be taking, announce in advance a continuation of the loan contract that will bring Greek society to its knees and the poorer classes in particular."