Friday, June 3, 2011

Communist Party leader on 'indignados' phenomenon

Opposition Communist Party of Greece (KKE) general secretary Aleka Papariga on Friday stressed that her party has no reason whatsoever to go to Pasok party gatherings "and disrupt them."
In an interview with a local radio station, Papariga stressed "we do not do that. We do not jeer people speaking in such gatherings," clarifying that it is a totally different case when a government minister visits a work place where the workers have the right to protest, "of course, not by throwing stones".
Commenting on the movement of the "indignados" at Syntagma Square, Papariga stressed that it is logical that a large part of the people feel the need to express their wrath, indignation and anger pointing out, however, that "indignation and wrath should take the shape of specific political positions..."