Saturday, June 4, 2011

“Indignant” Greeks ready the big protest rally – June 5

“Indignant” Greeks are getting ready to inundate the Syntagma Square tomorrow Sunday, June 5th. A feverish mobilization is to be seen on their Facebook page currently counting 122,959 “Likes”. 

Interner users are asked to send out at least 100+ invitations. Groups have poured into the streets to inform the people about the necessity of their presence in front of the Parliament. 
The organizers target to double the number of 100,000 participants from last Sunday. They want to break a record with  200,000 or  even 300,000 participants. The most crazy scenario speaks of even 1,000,000 people.
Greek media report of “Indignants” from Crete who chartered ships to take them to Pireaus port. “Better a huge crowd in Athens, than 500 protesters in Heraklion, 300 in Ierapetra and 500 in Rethymnon”, they say. InN Western Greece, “Indignants” chartered buses in order to join the rally in Athens.
Even the church seems to molibize  and Mitropolit Amvrosios  from Kalavrita is organizing believers’ transport to Greek capital.
It is inevitable that politcial groups from far-right to far-left  try to put a ‘hat’ on the civic movement, but the Indignants’s message is more than clear: no political banners at the Syngagma Square.
Those who can not participate are called to hang Greek flags on their balconies and hoist a flag on their cars and drive around honking.
Spanish “Los Indignantos” have been invited to the rally in Athens and a live streaming from the mass protest will be transmitted to Puerta del Sol.
Protests are going to be held in other cities across the country.
“Indignants” in Europe have called for mass protests on June 5, 2011. More than 130 cities are going to participate.

Source: keeptalkinggreece