Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Opposition on the offensive

Addressing his party’s executive Secretariat, Main opposition New Democracy (ND) leader Antonis Samaras on Monday lashed out at the Pasok government, stressing that its absence from negotiations with the EC-ECB-IMF "troika" was "impressive", noting that a rift has now been created between the Greek people and those who are in government.

Moreover, Samaras warned the government against holding a referendum, saying such a move would “further infuriate the people”, or against resorting to what he called "blackmailing practices" for the purpose of collecting 180 votes (an extended majority) in the 300-MP Parliament.
He maintained that there is no “national line” for him to back, pointing out that PM George Papandreou has made decisions himself two years ago and, therefore, there is no national line that can be drawn jointly.
 The ND leader stressed that the policy followed has failed because it was wrong from the start, adding that “it is right to reduce the size of an extravagant public sector but the government has not reduced it. It is right to combat tax evasion but the government did not do anything about it. It is right to proceed with privatizations but first there should be investments.”
 Samaras repeated that renegotiation with the creditors is feasible. He said that the current dead end policy can change through renegotiation and repeated that “we do not want to change the goals set but the ways in which can be met”.
Finally, he emphasised that he “detests populism” and underlined that “the present government is finished”.
Meanwhile, opposition Popular Orthodox Rally (LA.O.S) president George Karatzaferis on Monday expressed his intent to challenge the constitutionality of decisions made by the current government.
According to reports, the LA.O.S president said he will not recognise decisions made by a government which “does not hold the country’s sovereignty in its hands”. 
 Karatzaferis expressed discontent over the fact that the leaders of France and Germany postponed their decisions until late October and lashed out at main opposition party of New Democracy (ND), stressing that “those who abandoned the country 2 years ago now have resurfaced and do not hesitate to suggest solutions.”