Friday, January 28, 2011

Athens Newspaper Headlines

    The Friday edition of Athens' dailies at a glance


    The takeover of an Athens University Law School building in central Athens by illegal migrants and the economy were the main front-page items in Athens' dailies on Friday.
 ADESMEFTOS TYPOS: "Tragicomic operation at Athens Law School".


    AVGHI: "The migrants must not be forgotten".


    AVRIANI: "How you will get your IKA and OGA pensions".


    DIMOKRATIA: "Chaos, with Papoutsis' (Citizens Protection minister) seal".


    ELEFTHEROS: "They (government) bowed to the blackmail of the Muslim squatters (at Law School)".


    ELEFTHEROS TYPOS: "EU demands recognition of 'degrees' from franchise colleges here and now".


    ELEFTHEROTYPIA: "Odyssey of 250 'hostages' (illegal migrants at Law School)".


    ESTIA: "Resignation: Unknown word".


    ETHNOS: "Shadow Theater, with illegal migrants as the bit actors".


    IMERISSIA: "No to debt restructuring - Papandreou's optimistic message at Davos (World Economic Forum)".


    KATHIMERINI: "Bargaining and ultimatums at Law School".


    LOGOS: "Negotiations for the...self-evident".


    NAFTEMPORIKI: "Option of debt buy-back is attractive".


    PARASKEVI+13 (weekly): "The 'poor devils' in prison (for overdue debts to the state) - The Siemens kickback scandal 'gang' in the salons".


    NIKI: "Dangerous game with the university asylum".


    RIZOSPASTIS: "Vigilance of the people prompted by incident at Law School".


    TA NEA: "They moved them (illegal migrants) from the Law School at dawn".


    VRADYNI: "Night of agony (marathon negotiations with illegal migrants for their relocation from Law School)".