Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Increases in grains, potatoes..and petrol!

A very big increase in food and other goods pricing is expected soon in the greek market due to the riots in Egypt.
Already big Greek companies and multinationals have been informed on the situation that will lead to increases in potatos, crops and fruits that are labeled as “commodities” that will lead to rises of a 100% !

In particularly cases, like the potato the situation has no control since this crisis in Egypt is the second crisis for potato crops and the second one that will lead to a further increase after the fires of Russia in the summer. Greece imports 30% of its potato stock from Egypt. The same applies for pulses such as lentils and there is also an issue with the import of fish.

 The Ministry of Development is already dealing with the problem trying to hold prices in low levels. But the problems also come from other sources since petrol appeared small increases as well.  

source: proto thema