Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Katseli is keeping distances from the troika

The Labour minister Ms Louka Katseli expressed her objections for the frequent visits of the troika in Greece at a private meeting with journalists.

The minister said that the frequent controls have a destabilizing effect even more so when they are combined with information leek in Brussels and Athens. And she questioned the fact whether it is moving inside the limits saying that it does a lot of things for which it is not legitimized.

At the same time in a Reuters interview, the minister stated that «the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) could buy Greek bonds in the secondary market to help the country overcome its debt crisis.

According to Katseli, a variant of the proposals is likely to be issued by the Eurozone. 'At Euro 50 there was a proposal from the former Finance minister of France Edmond Alphandery. I believe that a variant is possible as a solution for the Eurozone» she said and added 'EFSF can enter the secondary market and on a voluntary basis exchange high risk Greek bonds with AAA rating bonds'.