Monday, April 11, 2011

FM reiterates firm Greek position on non-use of nuclear energy

Foreign minister Dimitris Droutsas reaffirmed Greece's firm position on "the non-use of nuclear energy for electricity production" in Greece and that it is active on the issue of nuclear safety in its neighboring countries, in a document he sent to parliament in reply to a relevant question by ruling Pasok MPs Michalis Katrinis and Kostas Kartalis. 
In the document, Droutsas stressed that the EU acquis (that has been founded on international contractual commitments on the use of nuclear energy) "is also binding on the countries in the accession process". 
He further affirmed that Greece as a rule intervenes in the framework of Turkey's accession negotiations and bilateral relations, and noted that the issue of nuclear safety has been entered in the negotiations framework of the candidate country in the chapter on the environment. 
Greece, Droutsas added, has already asked for a check of the security levels of the planned installations in Turkey (due to the seismicity of the region) and for harmonisation of the safety and security criteria and conditions with those set out by Euratom. 
Third, he said, as a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Greece is entitled to ask for information on and inspections of nuclear plants in neighboring countries, and also to take steps to avert the future use of outdated nuclear technology. 
Fourth, with respect to the Kozloduy nuclear plant, Droutsas reiterated that the Commission earmarked 550 million euros for upgrading of the reactors before Bulgaria’s accession to the EU and another 300 euros after accession for the pause of operation, cleaning and management of the reactor's waste. 
The upgrading of the reactors was completed five years ago, he said, and the two reactors currently in operation have received licenses for up to 2017 and 2019 respectively. 
Fifth, based on the experience acquired from the Japan accident, the Greek government intends to undertake initiatives towards the neighboring countries, expressing its concerns with and opposition to the placement of nuclear facilities at a small distance from Greece, Droutsas' document added.

source: ANA-MPA