Monday, April 11, 2011

Pasok: Ad hoc committee subs probe only for Tsohatzopoulos

Recommendations for an ad hoc Parliamentary preliminary investigation committee to look into possible kickbacks surrounding a contract for the purchase of four German submarines by Greece concern only former defence minister Akis Tsohatzopoulos, ruling Pasok's Parliamentary group press office clarified on Monday.
The investigation file on possible bribes paid for the submarines contract was recently sent to Parliament by a public prosecutor that discovered indications of possible criminal actions on the part of the ministers involved.
The public prosecutor also asked for an investigation into the role of ministers that succeeded Tsohatzopoulos in the defence ministry - Yiannos Papantoniou, Spilios Spiliotopoulos and Evangelos Meimarakis - because they did not contest or seek any modification of the initial contract. These will be investigated by the special standing committee for Armament Programs and Contracts, which has the same emergency powers for conducting a preliminary investigation as the Special Permanent Committee for Institutions and Transparency.
source: ANA-MPA