Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Government on Soros-Papandreou meeting

Government spokesman Yiorgos Petalotis on Tuesday categorically ruled out the possibility that Greece might restructure its debt, in reply to questions concerning Monday's meeting between Prime Minister George Papandreou and financier George Soros. 
"We have a specific position, we have explained abroad that restructuring is not only outside our goals but also our strong conviction that any kind of restructuring will be very harmful and damaging to the Greek economy but also on a European level," Petalotis said. 
He stressed that the government's opposition to restructuring Greek debt was clear and had been repeatedly stressed by both the prime minister and Finance Minister Yiorgos Papakonstantinou. The spokesman also underlined that Greece had now managed to reach a "positive point" where the possibility of bankruptcy or default was now very distant, so that rumours along those lines were no longer justifiable. 
He criticised the political parties that insisted on reproducing such doomsday scenarios, accusing them of hampering the government's efforts and "looking to the future of the party instead of the future of the country". 
Concerning Papandreou's meeting with Soros, the spokesman said that default had not been among the issues under discussion and noted that Soros had expressed very favourable views about Greece during his lecture at the Museum of Cycladic Art.