Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Submarines investigation to Parliament

Supreme Court deputy prosecutor Athanasios Katsirodis on Tuesday sent the files on the investigation concerning the purchase of sub-standard German-made submarines by the Greek Navy to Parliament, asking MPs to look into the actions of former minister Akis Tsohatzopoulos and other members of the government of that time. 
Katsirodis asked Parliament to investigate whether there is any culpability on the part of Tsohatzopoulos and other members of the government that decided to directly award the contract for the building of the four 214-type submarines to the German company HDW/Ferrostaal without holding a tender. 
The prosecutor also asked Parliament to look into the contract awarded directly to the same company for the building of three 'Poseidon' submarines, as well as the signature of an agreement for offset benefits linked to the same contract. 
The two investigations concern the periods 1998-2002 and 2002-2009. 
Katsirodis has also asked Parliament to look into whether the subsequent governments that dealt with issues concerning the execution of the above contracts and therefore had an opportunity to renegotiate the contracts and activate penalty clauses. 
source: ANA