Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Tsipras on the Competition Commission; debt restructuring

Opposition Radical Left Coalition (Syriza) parliamentary group president Alexis Tsipras on Tuesday accused the Hellenic Competition Commission of major delays in assessing the fuel market situation. 
Tsipras made the comments on the occasion of a letter the commission addressed to Parliament President Filippos Petsalnikos in response to Syriza's questions made in 2006. 
Earlier, Tsipras met with Hellenic Petroleum S.A. (Elpe) workers' union representatives and expressed support for their mobilisations. He underlined that Elpe is not a public utility company but has turned into a privatised monopoly in the fuel sector. He stressed that it is largely responsible for the skyrocketing fuel prices and accused the Competition Commission of looking the other way. 
Referring to the debt restructuring scenarios, Tsipras stated that their goal is to lay the economic burden on the workers and salvage the banks, adding that such plans will not succeed because they do not have the society's consent. 

source: ANA