Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Athens Newspaper Headlines - Tuesday

 The Eurogroup meeting on Monday, the Cabinet's decisions on upgrading central Athens and ministers' statements on civil servants' transfers, dominated the headlines on Tuesday in Athens' newspapers.

   ADESMEFTOS TYPOS: "Cabinet's new measures for Athens".

   AVGHI: "Sell-off and we will see...Troika's blunt blackmailing".

   AVRIANI: "The blocking of the fifth installment and the new loan lead us towards default on payments suspension".

   ELEFTHEROTYPIA: "Layoffs via transfers in public sector".

   ELEFTHEROS TYPOS: "Major blackmailing for sell-off immediately".

   ESTIA: "Hour of truth for Greece - How Strauss-Kahn's arrest will affect Greece".

   ETHNOS: "Brussels 'directive' for consensus".

   IMERISSIA: "New measures sealed in - Brussels ask consensus from main opposition New Democracy".

   KATHIMERINI: "EU imposes consensus as condition".

   NAFTEMPORIKI: "European 'helping hand' and suffocating commitments".

   RIZOSPASTIS: "They are imposing even heavier sacrifices on income, labor and insurance rights".

   TA NEA: "Layoffs via ASEP (civil service hiring examinations board)".

   VRADYNI: "Layoffs via ....ASEP".