Friday, May 13, 2011

Deutsche Telekom on OTE issue

Deutsche Telekom will observe the agreement that it has signed with the Greek government on the buyoff of an additional percentage of the Hellenic Telecommunications Organisation OTE in the region of ten percent if Athens decides this. 
This was stated by the General Director of Monetary issues of Deutsche Telekom Timotheous Hottgens, speaking during the company's General Assembly in the peresence of over 5,000 shareholders in Cologne. 
Replying to questions by shareholders, he reiterated that when the buyoff of 30 perfent of OTE shares took place, things were different and reiterated that the investment was a very good opportunity for Deutsche Telekom to strengthen its presence in the countries of Southeastern Europe. He also expressed optimism that as soon as the economic crisis in Greece is overcome there shall be dynamic growth. In parallel, he clarified that Deusche Telekom's aim is to strengthen its presence in the markets in which it is already active and not to proceed with new purchases.