Friday, May 13, 2011

President Papoulias on agricultural policy

President of the Republic Karolos Papoulias, addressing a conference on "Agricultural Entrepreneurship and Agrotourism" organised on Friday by the Panhellenic Union of Young Farmers, stressed that the struggle being waged by the country for its exit from the economic swamp "is and shall be persistent, continuous and at some times unpredictable." 
President Papoulias pointed out that above all defining a national strategy is necessary, a strategy that will aim at a dynamic agricultural policy which "will constitute the safe path on which we are now being called on to walk, particularly in view of the next two difficult years." 
President Papoulias also said that the abandoning of Agrotism and the production effort was one of the main reasons for the harsh, as he termed it, crisis that the country is experiencing.