Friday, May 13, 2011

Foreign Minister rules out euro exit

 Foreign Minister Dimitris Droutsas underlined in an interview with the public-run Austrian radio on Friday the importance of the reform programme drawn up by the government and implemented effectively by the Greek people for the past year, despite the big sacrifices in their daily lives. 
Droutsas ruled out Greece's exit or exclusion from the Euro-zone, underlining that there is no such an issue and refused to join in speculation that Greece will need other 60 billion euros. 
He also underlined that the budget deficit dropped seven percentage points in 2010. 
Noting that Greece is a popular tourism destination for Austrians, Droutsas issued an invitation to the Austrian people to visit Greece again this summer, stressing that it is a very attractive destination, particularly in terms of prices.
Responding to a question concerning the difference in mentality between the Austrian and the Greek people in relation to the crisis, Droutsas underlined that based on his experience, when he lived in Vienna, he is aware of the fact that Austria has an effective administrative mechanism and political decisions can be implemented very quickly.