Friday, May 13, 2011

Deputy Foreign Minister to visit Egypt

Greece's Deputy Foreign Minister Spyros Kouvelis is to carry out an official visit to Cairo on May 18-20.
Kouvelis will arrive at the head of a large business delegation sent by the Hellenic Federation of Enterprises (SEV) and declare the start of a Greek-Egyptian business forum that will take place on May 19 at the Egyptian federation of enterprises.
Participants will include some 20 Greek business people from Greece and 50 Greek investors that are already active in Egypt, along with some 60 Egyptian business people.
According to the Greek Ambassador to Egypt Christodoulos Lazaris, the forum is one of the largest taking place in Egypt since the uprising of January 25. He also emphasised the official nature of the deputy foreign minister's visit and the presence of Greek business people in Cairo as a signal of Greece's support for Egypt and its faith in the Egyptian economy.
During the visit to Cairo, Kouvelis will meet the Egyptian ministers for transport, oil and the deputy ministers for economy, trade and industry.