Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Government on Athens inner city districts; civil servants

The government's proposals to solve the problems in Athens' inner city districts constitute a comprehensive solution and not a piecemeal approach, government spokesman Yiorgos Petalotis said on Tuesday.

 He also added that the proposals tabled are aimed at breathing new life into the inner city districts, repeating that the problem is both economic and residential and not just a matter of policing. 
As regards the "Dublin II Regulation" reform, Petalotis said Greece wishes that the illegal migration problems be solved and the asylum granting policy be changed, putting an end to a long period of inaction. 
The ministries of foreign affairs and citizen protection are speeding up their procedures, he said, while he did not rule out deportations of illegal migrants who do not have the right to receive legal status in Greece. 
"We cannot tolerate the unacceptable situation in which undocumented people roam the country and even become victims of other migrants," he said. 
In an unrelated development and referring to relevant news reports, Petalotis repeated that the government is not considering layoffs in the public sector, adding that he and Interior Minister Yiannis Ragoussis have explained the process that will be followed as regards transfers of public sector employees. 
Petalotis underlined, however, that the public sector cannot serve as an "employment haven" anymore.