Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Government on Eurogroup meeting, fifth tranche of EU-IMF loans

Greece is still in talks with the EU-ECB-IMF inspectors concerning further "corrective" measures that will allow it to meet economic policy targets, government spokesman Yiorgos Petalotis told reporters on Tuesday. He was replying to questions concerning discussions between Finance Minister George Papaconstantinou and his Eurozone counterparts at the Eurogroup council.
"No decisions were taken during yesterday's Eurogroup meeting because the talks and negotiations with the troika are continuing, since there must be improvement and addition [to measures] for greater consistency in meeting the targets," he said. The meeting also noted the significant progress that had been made, he added.
The spokesman also denied that there had been any demands in writing calling for opposition party consensus to the measures, stressing that there was no outside imposition.
"It is a matter of responsibility that we, the main political forces, are aware of the country's image and promote the solutions that are necessary," he underlined.
He called on main opposition New Democracy to make use of Parliamentary procedure when the Medium-Term Fiscal Programme was being debated in order to actively demonstrate its consensus and present its proposals for achieving the country's goals, noting that this programme would include complete privatisations programme.
The spokesman also announced that discussion on the Medium-term Fiscal Programme will be postponed for a few days in order to complete processing of the plan and make necessary amendments.
On whether Greece will receive the fifth tranche of the loan, the spokesman said that evaluation by the EU-ECB-IMF inspectors was continuing and that the government was optimistic that it would be released on time.