Friday, May 13, 2011

Greek Socialists still lead but support falls: poll

The Kathimerini newspaper, which carried the poll by Public Issue, said Greeks were becoming increasingly politically disengaged, which made predicting the results of any election difficult. The next election is due in 2013.
The number of those who would abstain from voting reached 37 percent from 35.5 percent in a previous poll in April.
"The rising abstention trend and the expected increase in the number of parties that would be represented in parliament makes political forecasts in the event of polls risky," the paper said.
The Greek government has been forced to carry out austerity measures to secure continued EU/IMF funding under a 110 billion euro bailout package agreed a year ago.
A total of 83 percent of Greeks believed the country was moving in the wrong direction and 47 percent expected the economic situation to worsen in the next five years.
Backing for the PASOK socialists, led by Prime Minister George Papandreou, stood at 32 percent versus 29 percent for the opposition New Democracy conservatives. Their lead has narrowed from 5.5 percentage points in the April poll.
The nationwide poll on a sample of 1,199 respondents, showed the communist party ranking third with 12 percent, followed by the far-right Laos party with 8percent and the Leftist Coalition with 6.5 percent.
Asked whether they saw a need for elections, 69 percent of the respondents said polls were not needed, with 22 percent in favor and 9.0 percent undecided.