Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Greek “Strauss-Kahn” is a Baker… (video)

His face and the general body shape look those of Dominique Strauss-Kahn and thus strikingly similar. However the similarity ends here. Vasilis Darlas, 70, is not a famous banker, is not under house arrest in New York. 

Vasilis Darlas is a baker in Athens and totally free to go wherever he wants- even to New York. The owner of a traditional bakery in Kolonos suburb of Athens became famous even among his year-long ustomers only after DSK got involved in the sex allegations scandal.
Greeks seem to have started observing with greater care DSK only after his  juicy involovement  and not when the IMF boss was visiting Athens to impose strict austerity measures. Now when customers enter the bakery, they greet him with a respectful “Good morning, Strauss-Khan!” It is the first time Greeks face an IMF-official with joy.
And he, the Greek Strauss-Kahn, wakes up every morning proud of his similarity with such a famous man, even if his fame has suffered great damage recently.
Not clear if due ot the similarity, Darlas has sympathy for DSK and believes the ex IMF-head was victim of a plot. Solidairy among males? Possible….
“Judging myself,  DSK is a charming man. However he got set up” says Darlas with a smile.
However he fully disagrees with DSK on economic measures.
“If I were my ‘brother’ I would cancel all the measures. They are against our country, they make us poorer and unhappier. All these kneading and measures baked a Memorandum that lead us to decline”, says the Greek ‘Strauss-Kahn’.
When asked about the politicians, he answers ” Those governing us were never engaged in kneading. They have never seen how a breadloaf comes out”.
To the question as to why the austerity measures do not bring results, the baker has a quick and wise answer, his own formula for a successful bread: “You need yeast, dough kneading and then let it relax for 15 minutes. They don’t let us take even a single breath. Therefore how can the measures be successful?
Due to his similarity with DSK, Vasilis Darlas may even get an offer from Hollywood should it decide to make a film about the rise and fall of the once powerful man. Darlas would b a very successful double…
(interview: pinnokio.blogspot)
source: keeptalkinggreece
video Greek ‘Strauss-Kahn’