Thursday, December 15, 2011

Director of SOS Children's Villages, on the financial crisis and the work of SOS Children's Villages in Greece

The three SOS Children's Villages in Greece are facing some major problems. Increasingly, parents want to hand over their children to the SOS Children's Villages because they can no longer feed them. In the past twelve months, over 1,000 desperate inquiries have been submitted.
The organization has responded with an increased engagement through SOS Family Strengthening Programs, which support families in need. At the same time, the Greek government has sharply increased taxes, something that has also hit the aid organizations very strongly.

 George Protopapas, Director of SOS Children's Villages in Greece, speaks about the financial crisis and the poverty in his country, about the massive tax increases and the impact on families and thus on the work of SOS Children's Villages in Greece. 

SOS Children's Villages