Wednesday, February 9, 2011

New work stoppages in public transport

Today Wednesday workers in ETHEL buses will perform a work stoppage from 11am-3.30pm which they will repeat this Friday.

The metro workers, during their meeting, decided to stop for 4 hours from 11am, same time as their colleagues in ISAP who continue their actions

protesting against the bill for public transport. During the strike they will all attend the demonstration at the centre of Athens organized by the doctors.

A 5hr work stoppage will be performed by the trolley workers from 11am. They also decided on a 24hr strike on the day of the voting and a 4hr stoppage, 11am-4pm, on the next day in order to have a general meeting.

Yesterday noon at the offices of AMEL in Kifisos road in Sepolia, about 50 people (metro, electric rail and tram workers) started gathering outside the building yelling several mottos. After a while they went up to the office of the president who was absent, and in a rare symbolic move they built the door with plaster, bricks and other materials.

It should be noted however, that no incidents occurred as calmness prevailed from both sides. The workers wanted to show their opposition towards the transport bill, but also towards the threats they receive, as they say, from the management regarding their involvement in the demonstrations.