Sunday, February 27, 2011

Opinion polls on party preference

Ruling Pasok's lead over main opposition New Democracy has fallen to just 1.9 percent, according to the results of an MRB opinion poll appearing in RealNews newspaper on Sunday. 
More specifically, regarding voter intent -- meaning what party they would vote for if elections were held the following Sunday -- 23.2 percent of the respondents opted for Pasok, 21.3 percent for ND, 9.0 percent for the Communist Party of Greece (KKE), 5.6 percent for the Popular Orthodox Rally (Laos) party, 3.0 percent for the Coalition of the Radical Left (SYRIZA parliamentary alliance), 2.7 percent for the Ecologists-Greens, 2.2 percent for the Democratic Alliance, 2.2 percent for the Democratic Left, while 4.0 percent said they would vote for some other party, and 26.8 percent were undecided. 
In another opinion poll, conducted by MARC and appearing in the Sunday edition of Ethnos newspaper, Pasok's lead over ND stood at 4.6 percent. 
More specifically, 26.1 percent of the respondents favored Pasok, 21.5 percent favored ND, 7.9 percent opted for the KKE, 5.9 percent for LAPS, 3.5 percent for SYRIZA, 3.3 percent for Democratic Alliance, 2.8 percent for Democratic Left, 2.9 percent for the Ecologists-Greens, while 22.3 percent were undecided, and 3.8 percent said they would vote for some other party. 
Under the above results, eight parties would gain entry to parliament if elections were held the following Sunday, while no party would be able to form a self-sufficient government. 
source: ANA