Sunday, April 3, 2011

Papariga: PM lying when he says 'no new measures'

Communist Party of Greece (KKE) leader Aleka Papariga warned that the prime minister was lying when he assures the Greek people that there will be no new measures, in an interview with the Sunday edition of Eleftherotypia newspaper.
Papariga said the pact on the euro was the harbinger of long-term bad news for salaries, pensions and labor rights, and warned of the consequences of the sell-off of the country's real estate holdings, companies and infrastructures.
"They cannot exit the crisis by razing only the popular strata. A part of the accumulated capital must also be destroyed," Papariga said.
She also said that the KKE does not fear snap elections, but added "woe to the people if they expect the anti-popular policy to be reversed through elections".

source: ANA