Sunday, April 3, 2011

Samaras:Commitment for policy based on principles and values

Main opposition New Democracy (ND) leader Antonis Samaras
launched a scathing attack on the government over the economy, addressing a meeting on Sunday of the chairmen of his party's prefectural committees, and called on ND local organizations to intensify their presence in society in the coming weeks.
The crisis of the economy and the country is deepening, the Pasok government is preparing new measures that will intensify the stifling of the economy, unemployment and the shut downs of businesses, Samaras warned, adding that the unprecedented measures that the Pasok government has imposed to date had scant results and the sacrifices of the people were going to waste.
He said that the criticism he has made to now has proved correct, given that even ruling Pasok MPs not in government posts are now admitting that the Memorandum is not working.
"ND will change the policy of asphyxiation. It will make the economy work for the country to exit the Memorandum," Samaras said, and said the program he will unveil will show how the economy can function.
Samaras accused the government of not producing revenues, but only deficits, and pledged that ND will remedy the injustices against the low salary and pension earners.
Speaking of a lack of credibility of politics, Samaras said that ND will bring back hope and dignity. ND's contribution to restoring the credibility of the politicians will be the submission of a framework of positions and solutions, and specific proposals, without populism and without cultivating excessive expectations.
"Our commitment is a policy based on principles and values in order to restore hope and dignity," he said.