Saturday, March 12, 2011

Foreign Ministry spokesman on 'casus belli' by Turkey

Greek Foreign Ministry spokesman Grigoris
 Delavekouras, referring to recent statements by Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu on the existing "casus belli" by Turkey against Greece in the event the latter exercises the legal right of extending its territorial waters, said the Greek government remains steadfastly adherred to the improvement of Greek-Turkish relations, but a precondition for this and an obligation of Turkey is the lifting of the "casus belli."

The Turkish National Assembly's resolution that contains the known "casus belli", "lies outside the limits of international legality and the Charter of the United Nations and is continuing to poison our bilateral relations and mortgages the European prospect of Turkey," the spokesman added.

On the decision by the Greek Parliament that gives the government the right to exercise the right of extending territorial waters, he stressed that "it conserns the exercising of a legal right, in accordance with the international law of the sea, both the conventional and the customary," adding that "the correlation that is being attempted by the Foreign minister of Turkey is at least ill-timed."

Lastly, Delavekouras stressed that "the problems will not be solved with moves of communication impressing, but with a hard effort, responsibility, sincerity, political will and investing in a common future of peace."

Beglitis on the Turkish position

Alternate Defence Minister Panos Beglitis reiterated on Friday, speaking in Larissa, that neighbouring Turkey's "revisionist" position vis-a-vis the status of the Aegean is well known.

"However, this (position) is far removed from respect of International Law and international treaties, which our country insists on in order to protect our sovereign rights," he said.

Speaking days after a high-profile and well-received visit by Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu to Greece, Beglitis nevertheless added:

"Geography, international treaties and International Law form the conditions in the eastern Mediterranean region, and Greece defended, defends and will defend its rights, always on the basis of international law.

Moreover, he said these rights, as emanating from International Law, obviously include the isle of Kastellorizo.

In a related development, main opposition New Democracy (ND) party foreign affairs political responsibility spokesman Panios Panayiotopoulos said "the Foreign Ministry was very late and did not ultimately find the suitable words to condemn with the necessary strictness the unacceptable statements by Mr. Davutoglu on the 12 miles and the 'casus belli' between Greece and Turkey," adding that "the 'deafening silence' with which the government of PASOK is watching the overall activity of the Turkish Foreign Minister in our country and all the provocative things he said, creates a major political issue, to which the political leadership of the Foreign Ministry must give a reply, turning up at the relevant Parliamentary Committee as soon as possible, as ND has already requested."