Sunday, June 19, 2011

Greek finance minister Evangelos Venizelos urges debt consensus

Greece's new Finance Minister Evangelos Venizelos has called for a political consensus over handling the country's debt crisis.
"The management of the debt is a major point and there is a wide coming together of views around the subject and therefore a good basis for reaching agreement among the political forces, which believe in the European identity and the country's future," Venizelos, who was appointed on Friday, told the To Vima Sunday newspaper.
Venizelos said that an immediate priority of the government is to make more evident the just distribution of the burdens and moral balance of the austerity measures.
"I am fully aware of the responsibility I am assuming and of the situation in the country," he said, adding that "I fully respect the citizens who are protesting".

"There is always room for direct, simple and practical solutions in matters that are troubling the citizens and which can be resolved with common sense."

He added that Greece's relationship "with our institutional partners is founded on our credibility, and is an open process of negotiation for the mutual benefit".