Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Papariga criticises government policy on political parties' finances

Communist Party of Greece (KKE) leader Aleka Papariga sharply criticised the government on Wednesday over its party on the finances of the political parties and over its rejection of related proposals repeatedly submitted by the KKE in parliament. 

Speaking at a press conference, Papariga said that the relevant 'public dialogue' on the party finances, "a discussion that has been going on for years on the 'moralisation' and 'purification' of the political system, which has been "disdained by a great part of the Greek people", is "hypocritical and superficial", and seeks to impose a suppressive framework of action for the popular movement and the political parties, aiming at the disorientation and manipulation of the popular conscience. 
She reiterated that the KKE will not make public the names of the people who, with fund-raising coupons, have contributed to the party. As for the state subsidy, Papariga noted that it is a help for the KKE, but added "let them abolish it, if they want". 
The KKE leader charged that the entire discussion on combating corruption seeks to deflate the people's displeasure and draw the working people's attention away from the government's economic policy.