Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The constructors’ money will be state revenue!

The Infrastructure ministry is planning to turn the money “sucked” by the movement against tolls to a public revenue, which if not collected will cause problems with tax authorities. Wanting to deal with the loss, they are looking into a special regulation in the Driving Code so that there will be fines to the relevant municipalities for the toll fare that is not collected. The government is rushing into this under the strong pressure and claims from constructors for the blocked projects around the country.

In the case the fine is never paid, the citizen will have problems in his transactions and will not be able to receive his tax clearance.

According to sources from the ministry this regulation will hit all users and mainly the transport companies that cause the major revenue bleeding from tolls due to the non-paying tactic.

Similar problems are encountered by Aytokinitodromos Agaiou who is constructing the Maliakos-Kleidi part, where the losses from track drivers surpass 30%. The enforcement of this measure is expected within the next 2 months via a regulation in the bill for the cleansing of urban transport.

For the illegal boarding in urban transport, as «Proto Thema» revealed on Sunday, the government prepares a separate regulation that will provide for the intervention of justice to those who do not pay the fine and incur imprisonment that will reach even up to three months.

«We are damaging companies»

The five concession agreements are thus far moving by derailments in schedule up to two years, new toll stations that will not build unless they find revenue somewhere else and improved realization rates at least regarding the delivery of spaces.

The highway consortiums attributed the fact of the long delays in a joint press conference yesterday, to the evils of expropriation, at the same time wanting to pass the message that they are not pocketing the money of tolls to share the revenues since for every collected euro, 3 to 10 are spent for the condtruction.

«We are a damaging company» said Jules Godard representative of Vinci that is taking part in the construction of KorinthosPatra and did not hesitate to chare the government the caps in petrol that, as he said, make the drivers to fill up with 100 euros and limit their movements, upsetting the financial model of the projects.  

The companies avoided to give details from their negotiations with the government, tried to highlight their contribution to development, citing the thousands of workers employed but also the reduction in travel time that will come with the completion of the projects. They did not exclude reductions in the toll network under construction, but refused to refer to the proposals filed at the ministry, saying that they would not “negotiate through the press”!

From its side, the government is seeking the way via which the tolls will be granted by future state revenue that will surpass the 22bil euros in the 30yrs of the concessions, to avoid future increases and decrease the present prices.  

As relevant government sources say, the aim is not to disturb the core of the concessions but to find the formula of subsidizing the contractors, which is reportedly being discussed by the ministry of Finance and the troika. But this puzzle is for very powerful solvers and even most of the “words” are unknown!