Wednesday, June 1, 2011

'Greek Flavour Journeys' , Athens

Greek Flavour Journeys, a veritable feast of Greek culinary delights, wound up in Athens' downtown Klafthmonos Square on Tuesday with 100 eminent members of the Greek Chefs' Club concocting an immense traditional Greek Salad weighing more than 700 kilos.

   The salad contained a plethora of fresh, nutritious ingredients from all over Greece, that make up the trademark salad that is known throughout the world as, simply, "Greek Salad", comprising cucumbers, olives, tomatoes, feta cheese, extra virgin olive oil, green peppers, onions, and 'paximadia' (rusks).

   The salad was then divided into 8500 servings, most of which were delivered to the City of Athens for distribution by the Homeless Foundation to the city's homeless, while spectators at the event also shared in the treat.

   The two-day event featured popular Greek dishes from all over the country, made with locally-grown products from the dishes' place of origin.