Sunday, March 13, 2011

PM is shutting down scenarios for premature elections

Although intense speculation developed and
even ministers raised their concerns, George Papandreou eventually ruled out the possibility of elections and a reformation of the government, speaking at the emergency cabinet meeting.

The fact that the meeting was suddenly programmed for Sunday evening, had fueled a lively discussion on the possible disposal of Mr. Papandreou to take dramatic political moves.

Mr. Papandreou responded to rumours of a reformation or premature elections during his initial speech during the cabinet meeting, stating that "these scenarios need to stop, we have a lot of work to do".

Referring to the decisions taken in Brussels, the prime minister stated that the government fought very hard and that the sacrifices of the Greek people are paying off. At the same time, he asked for more intensive efforts by everyone and underlined that the goal is for the country to depend on its own strengths and slowly leave the patronizing shadow of economic surveillance.

Mr. Papandreou described the progress of the loan extension plans and the reduction of interest rates during the recent summit, as a battle won, adding though, that "we are still in the middle of the storm".

The prime minister asked for creative criticism from the opposition and said they should point out the evils that plague society as a whole.

"We will manage to avoid losing a whole generation", Mr. Papandreou underlined optimistically.

by Yiannis Makrygiannis, Andreas Belegris